Street Parade

Join the Rockynats Street Parade cruising through the Rockhampton CBD on Friday 4 April 2025.

The Street Parade will see more than 1,200 cars and bikes cruise from Rockhampton Showgrounds through the CBD, along Quay St and back to the Showgrounds in spectacular fashion. 

Remember Top 10 Street Parade Rules

  1. THE LEGAL STUFF | Please ensure your vehicle meets our minimum scrutineering requirements
  2. LINE UP | Form up is at the Rockhampton Showgrounds. BE THERE!
  3. FOLLOW THE LEADER | Always follow the instructions of the marshals when forming up.
  4. CHECKS | NO drink driving, NO exceptions. Random Breath Tests and random boot checks will occur during form up.
  5. TALK THE TALK |  Drivers MUST attend the compulsory drivers briefing.
  6. BEHAVIOUR |  NO burnouts, NO exceptions. Keep that excitement for the pad!
  7. BUCKLE UP |  ALL people in your vehicle must wear a seat belt at ALL times, and must sit in a seat that is engineered for use.
  8. ROAD RULES |  The Street Parade takes place on public roads. Therefore, all road rules, penalties and restrictions apply and are enforceable.
  9. SPEED |  The maximum speed is 30km/hr. This keeps everyone safe and allows the punters to get a better look at your vehicle!
  10. KEEP IT FUN | Enjoy the drive!